PDM Publisher
Thank you for choosing PDM Publisher!
PDM Publisher is a SOLIDWORKS PDM task add-in that lets you save your SOLIDWORKS files using advanced filters and provides power capabilities to place custom properties/datacard, BOM quantities on PDFs and merge them.
It can convert SOLIDWORKS files to the following extensions:
- PDF (Portable Document Format): A versatile format for sharing documents that preserves formatting across different devices.
- DWG (Drawing): A file format used in AutoCAD for creating and editing 2D and 3D drawings.
- DXF (Drawing Exchange Format): A format designed for interoperability between AutoCAD and other software, facilitating data exchange.
- U3D (Universal 3D): A file format for 3D models, commonly embedded in documents to provide interactive 3D visualization.
- STL (Stereolithography): A widely used format for 3D printing that represents the surface geometry of a 3D object.
- STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data): A format that enables compatibility and data exchange between different CAD systems.
- EPRT (eDrawings Part File): A file format used for 3D model representations in eDrawings software.
- EASM (eDrawings Assembly File): A format for representing assemblies in eDrawings, allowing visualization of multi-part models.
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages, allowing the display of text, images, and links.
- X_T (Parasolid Model File): A format used for 3D modeling in CAD applications, representing geometric data.
Input files
PDM Publisher can process individual SOLIDWORKS part files (.sldprt
), drawing files (.slddrw
), and assemblies (.sldasm
) along with all their references. This ensures that all necessary components are correctly handled during processing, whether you're converting a single file or an entire assembly structure.
🔹 Single Part (.sldprt
): Processes and converts a part file to the extensions above.
🔹 Single Drawing (.slddrw
): Processes individual drawings.
🔹 Assembly with References (.sldasm
): Automatically includes all referenced parts and subassemblies and their drawings.
The minimum version PDM Publisher supports is SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional 2018 SP0.
We highly recommend you use the latest version of PDM Professional.
For additional support, please contact us through the contact page.
Before reaching out, we highly suggest you read the content of this page. We have compiled these help topics to respond to the frequently asked questions by our customers.